For those of you who have been reading my blog regularly the past couple of months may recall I was very nervous about sharing my entry into the BDSM lifestyle with my psychologist. Well, I finally got the ovaries to do as such and surprisingly it went very well.
He didn't say anything negative at all, and was mostly concerned that I had quit going to my appointments. Also, he seemed to think Teacher's maturity and experience was a good thing for me. While I did reveal that I have done well for myself writing "erotica" I didn't share my venue. He did try to eek out of me where I was writing, but I refuse to share. What if they got turned on? I'd be skeeved out. The other important piece of positive feedback was that I've decided to keep this part of me private in my real-time life. This visit was another rock removed from my mental scale. Plenty of other rocks and pebbles weighing it down, but one thing at a time.
I spoke with Teacher prior to my visit to hash out a few things, since I was so nervous about going. He pointed out a lot of positive changes I've made in the months we've been together, I hadn't really taken them all into account, but my submission has made other facets of my life a lot easier.
Thank you BDSM!
Also of note I signed up to go to a local bloggers get-together in the near future. I do blog in the vanilla world, but I must note that sex blogging does cause me mild paranoia at times. I am fearful I'll sign my real name which is Betty Sue, or Teacher's which is Bob Smith, or reveal my address 123 Main St. Beverly Hills, CA 90210. I'm afraid a case of alcohol induced loose-lips will make me spill the beans. I worry that I'll accidental do some blog related correspondence from my regular email account or vice versa. I honestly admire those who openly write about sex, erotica, etc with their real names much less their faces attached. Perhaps if I had an endless income stream and didn't give a shit about my family I'd come out of my pervy closet, but for the time being staying on the dl is the smartest thing.
I know one woman who works for an adult products company. Every time she's out she's bombarded by people bugging her about her job, for discounts, etc. Much like a doctor can't leave the house without someone inquiring about their aches and pains. I am no wallflower, but some attention is not necessary.
Lastly, I've been informed that Teacher is making a trip to the hardware store. He's buying some chains and locks, so yours truly can sleep chained up next to him. It is an odd thing to crave, but I do. Of course it was a 90 degrees out when I requested this, now it is 30 degrees at night in my cold ass hell hovel and that will be some chilly metal on my bod!
Have a great Saturday night! Don't forget to set your cocks, I mean clocks back!!
On this side of the pond our cocks - sorry - clocks went back last week.
well done about sharing with your psych, I know it's a hard step to take.
"He did try to eek out of me where I was writing, but I refuse to share. "
And absolutely right you were not to share! Your attitiude about your anonymity as a sex blogger is 100% correct and sensible.
All power to you...
Juno x
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